Thursday, December 16, 2010

Have a business process defined by customer!

Every company says they want to satisfy their customers. Talk about customer surveys and collect the voice of the customer. Perhaps, allocated the responsibility for collecting and analysing information.
But looking past predicts, how can you tell if your company makes things? How to tell if you're really there? In essence, let's define what constitutes a corporate Customer-driven Process.

From our experience, when we saw strong performance related to customer relationships, we have the following attributes.
  1. A focus on process rather than functions. The reason is simple – when you focus on process to focus on resolving the causes of problems and you measure upstream metrics that give early warnings. When you see organizations focused functions as usual desire to fix or deflect blame. Also, when you see a neglect of procedure see present indicators as financial measures dominate attention.
  2. Employees know and accept the roles they either own or for which they are members. In addition to identification, you can see the incentive systems-related metrics customer. Beware of tax incentive schemes linked exclusively to financial measures. There is no system; how to take your eye off of the customer and to develop a short-term focus. 
  3. Everyone understands how the Agency's operating procedures. People know how things fit together. Don't look only to process or role in a process but are beginning to understand and relate to how connected processes. When people focus on interfaces, there is less white space and fewer hidden processes and
  4. Processes measured objectively. measures referred to regularly. In other words, I am not going to blame and there is no any secrets.
If you aren't there, what you can do to achieve this status? There are good first to certain conditions. A company must collect all the initiatives under one umbrella responsible for business improvements. Then they need to communicate the severity of the emergency. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to put the information customer in front of their owners. Too often the customer data is hidden. People are given only what the Organization considers they need to know to do their jobs. Customer data, the most unpleasant especially, which is the most motivating way is locked so no one knows the bad news ... but that means that no one knows the need changed. Finally, leadership should work with their commitment. (See LeaderSHIP steps in Becoming a customer-defined process Enterprise).
With conditions in place, the company is ready to reorient ifself. Our Process is based on four key areas  like (I) Establish by introduction, (ii) deploy and implementation (iii) and (iv) review.
In the meantime, determine if you are a customer driven organization and, if not, set the foundations on which to build. If you would like to discuss, please contact me.
View the original article here

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