Many companies new quality standards ISO9001: 2008 may not be aware that it is OK to send the request to the corrective measures to the vendor. Hence, for example, that I may I send one customer If you really wanted, but I've never seen before, do so.
Why would you send a request for corrective measures to the vendor? Depending on the specific situation may be easier to just stop by the vendor, and purchase a product or service from someone else. And if your product or service gives you this flexibility, the game has the right to do so.
But many companies, the purchase of goods or services from specialist suppliers. It is possible that a long-term, mutually beneficial relations with suppliers, you do not want to ... or cannot be easily ... end. Possible that the vendor is experiencing rapid growth, or maybe you have depending on the outside of the experienced people to their product or service falls under your standards. Perhaps it is in your interest to help improve their quality prior to go looking for a third-party vendor.
Before you send an request for corrective action at the provider, do you ask yourself a few questions. How badly do you want to or need to interact with this vendor? What is the severity of their lack of quality? This is a one-off error or has a pattern? Their management of actually obtaining rights and that you are happy? How much of a shell, walk you need to do?
If you think about the requirement for the adoption of remedial measures, which caused the vendor and the lack of quality, then perhaps you should do so. But think about the questions here. Be firm but courteous. Chances are the suppliers have provided more than you know, and that is more than happy to take action to solve your problem and prevent it again.
Depending on your industry and types you use the vendor's efforts to improve the quality of products from a vendor, you can save a lot of time and money without having to search for a new supplier and see if there are any better. View the original article here